
„CGen trimming” project is focused on claw health improvement. CGen developed a web-based application to record results of hoof trimming. It was made available for free to members of the project. Consultations with hoof trimmers and breeders enabled to determine the scope of information summarizing a given hoof trimming visit and the way of presenting the historical data. The application contains a system for reporting diseases and treatment. There is also a possibility to include information about cows’ housing system, which will allow for more accurate analyses of the prevalence of claw diseases.

The application owes its success to:
• automatic data transfer from Symlek system,
• fast data recording during hoof trimming,
• easy claw disease recording,
• possibility to input interventions (application of bandage on a claw),
• access to historical information per cow recorded by people working on the farm,
• possibility to get summary reports after hoof trimming visit.

The application “CGen trimming” is an element of the data recording system for genetic analyses and to start genetic evaluation of claw health. A system was established that allows for communication between the Symlek system, application “CGen trimming” and the members of the project. A clear data protection policy was established to protect breeders’ information. Breeders need to authorize access to data for contractors working on their farm who are not the employees of PFHBiPM (hoof trimmers, vets).

One of the targets of the “CGen trimming” project is the implementation of claw health genetic evaluation in Poland. For this reason CGen placed the emphasis on the hoof trimmers’ knowledge. They are responsible for recording the data and correct identification of diseases is the key element of the project. The Polish version of the “ICAR Claw Health Atlas” was implemented in the application. CGen organises workshops for hoof trimmers to enlarge theirs’ knowledge and show how the application works.

Permanent cooperation with hoof trimmer, his regular visits on the farm and monitoring of the claw health with the information collected in the application will help breeders to manage the farm in a more effective way.

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